Monday, 11 April 2016

Parkside Link Bridge

From out of the mud a new scene has arisen awaiting landscaping.  Woodside Link Facebook Page says on 1st April: "We'd like to hold another exhibition soon focusing on the scheme's landscaping features - so your questions would also help us prepare information for that."  I have asked when it will be but haven't heard yet.  This is our opportunity, as residents, to ask questions and comment on the plans.  So keep your eyes on the Woodside Link Facebook page for the announcement of the date and venue.
I would like the willows that were removed alongside the old stream to be replaced along the new stretch, so as to continue the wilderness theme and encourage willow warblers to visit each year as they used to.  Also, water voles like apples, so apple trees close to the stream would provide food for them.  There are signs they are still there but there are more rats around than voles.  The copse that has been decimated needs replanting to provide cover and habitat for nesting birds such as whitethroat, willow warbler, black cap and chiffchaff, and undergrowth for foxes, small mammals and slow worms. 
These pictures show what the area around the Parkside Link looks like now.

Old bridge on the old bus link just showing remains of old stream bed

Newly dug route of Houghton Brook showing new bridge over it

Closer view of new bridge over new stream

A few remaining willows lean over the brook in the short undisturbed stretch

Frogspawn - I usually get one common frog in my garden each year!  I hope I will this year too.
The beautiful weeping willows, always the first to burst into leaf in spring
Keep watch for new developments and make sure you have your say!