Wilderness on the banks of Houghton Brook
With the heavy rain in July the stream has flowed consistently throughout the summer providing rich vegetation on the banks.
In August a special visitor came to the borrow pit.
As I approached, it performed its 'broken wing' act to draw me, a potential predator, away from its nest, which I discovered on an island close to the shore. The background is perfect camouflage. I was privileged to watch this for a long time but it eventually relaxed and believing me to be no longer a threat, it continued feeding and calling on the offshore islands.
Little Ringed Plover
As I approached, it performed its 'broken wing' act to draw me, a potential predator, away from its nest, which I discovered on an island close to the shore. The background is perfect camouflage. I was privileged to watch this for a long time but it eventually relaxed and believing me to be no longer a threat, it continued feeding and calling on the offshore islands.
The plover only stayed a few days but a family of mallards has taken up residence on the borrow pit. The female keeps a close eye on her five ducklings. There are gulls around which could easily take a duckling.
I wonder what will turn up here next? In autumn and winter Golden Plover used to feed in the fields on this very spot.