Saturday, 4 July 2015

What to see in July

Throughout June I was watching the site of the bee orchids beside the buslink for signs of their appearance, but when they didn't come up, and I found another patch elsewhere, I enquired of experts and discovered to my surprise that they don't come up every year!  So they haven't died but may come up next year instead, or the year after.  So there's nothing to be seen of them this year.  But if you are in the field beside the buslink, watch out for tiny pyramid orchids.
In June ox-eye daisies were abundant by the buslink.
Because of the works in progress, this month I am enjoying Shanley's field instead which is full of yellow hawkweed, dog rose and other wild flowers easy to spot.

Dog Rose
Orange Hawkweed

Hedge Woundwort

 Broomrape (and clover)

Tufted Vetch

This is the time of year for Cow Parsley and other umbellifers (like an umbrella) - who would guess this photo wasn't taken in the countryside?  Only the radio aerial gives away its location.

And behind the cow parsley in the weedy field are poppies adding a dash of colour.  So there's lots of flowers to see and enjoy still as well as the wonderful variety of grasses. 
Update on Houghton Brook
As nettles make it inaccessible to humans, I'm hoping the water voles are currently enjoying their privacy.  The section above the buslink has been cleared of vegetation to discourage voles venturing up stream into the area currently being worked on.  The water is not affected and continues to flow when it rains.  When the new stretch of stream is dug, water will be diverted away from the treated area into the new stream and new habitat created for the water voles.


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