Saturday 29 June 2019

The Chalkpit in Bloom and What to Expect next Month

Wild Thyme
Common Spotted Orchid, and (below) pictures showing the spotted leaves which give it its name

Valerian (a non-native but good for insects)

Yellow-wort, soon to be out.  Note how the leaves join around the stem

Pyramidal Orchids

Common Centaury (the pink thing)


Birdsfoot trefoil, an important food plant for butterflies
Hedge Bedstraw


What to Expect in July and August

This is a Carline Thistle now...

...and in a few weeks' time it will be covered in Chalkhill Blue butterflies like these below taken in early August 2016.

Greater Knapweed (below) another important food plant

The Chiltern Gentian

There is much more to see, this is only a selection of those I have photographed on the north side of the chalk pit and identified.  
Enjoy the show as it unfolds throughout the summer! 
Tread carefully as you go. 


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