Wednesday 4 May 2016

Spring Comes to Houghton Brook

A May morning beside the brook accompanied by larks, chaffinches, robins and more.  Other days yellowhammers and whitethroats have joined the chorus.  Turn up the sound and enjoy!

 Common Whitethroat staying still for a rare moment!
Don't be fooled - the soundtrack is not this little chap who could only manage a few cheeps!
The willows are coming into leaf and soon it will be harder to see these little songsters.
Under water things are also moving, if a little more slowly.
Watch out for the water snails!
Below: Two grey wagtails close to the source of Houghton Brook next to Park Road North.  They are well camouflaged.  The grey blends in well with the silt, only the yellow under the tail betrays their presence.


Grey wagtail behind dandelion head
Next time you walk along the stream between the Green and Park Road North, keep alert for a bird flying swiftly past, up or downstream as it is likely to be this wagtail searching for food to feed his family.
Get out there and enjoy the brook this month!

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